Vlog: Brooke - mała Amerykanka która śni o Polsce
To jest bardzo interesująca historia o dziewczynce w USA, która nie ma polskich korzeni ale zakochała się w Polsce w prosty sposób.
Czytaj cały list Brooke tutaj.
Proszę podaj mi poprawki w serwisie Lang-8.
Czytaj transkrypcję poniżej!
Spreading our love of Poland
We just got an email from my mother-in-law that I am sooo excited about!
She works as a 1st grade teacher near Appleton, Wisconsin. When my wife and I were in Poland, we worked as English teachers. Although our students were a little older than hers, we set up a penpal project with her students in the USA.
So, our students in Poland wrote letters to her students in the USA. Then they wrote back - and so on. I think both groups managed to write two letters in the course of a school year.
My wife returned to the USA a few times to visit family. One of those times she went to her mother's class to talk about Poland. She told a few fairy tales about Kraków (from the book Legends of Cracow), including the one about the Wawel dragon. This was already almost two years ago.
Then, at the end of last month, Brooke, one of my mother-in-law's former students, wrote her a letter. This little girl - who has no Polish heritage - is still thinking about Poland! It appears we've managed to spread our love of Poland to her.
I think it's contagious. ;-)
Read more to see her actual letter!
Thank you for subscribing!
This is just a short note to thank everyone for subscribing to LinguaTrek!
Since last week Tuesday, when I first offered language consultations in exchange for subscribing - almost 200 new people have subscribed! All thirty consultations have been claimed and I've already had a chance to do about half of them.
Some people had specific questions, one person wanted to hear a native speaker read a specific text and others just wanted to practice speaking with a native speaker of English - in some cases, for the first time!
I'm very glad that I'm able to help in your language learning journey. But also - for me - it's been pretty amazing to finally talk with the people who have been reading my blog and watching my videos! It's added a whole new human element to the conversations that we've had here.
Thank you so much for subscribing and talking with me!
(And I look forward to doing the rest of the consultations later this week.)
Vlog: Zasubskrybuj mój blog i dostań prezent!
Przepraszam wszystkich, którzy już przeczytali wczorajszy artykuł na ten sam temat! Ten filmik jest najbardziej skierowany do moich widzów na YouTubie. Większość z nich nie czytają mojego blogu i chciałbym zachęcić ich do dołączenia się z nami tutaj. :-)
Jeśli ten jest dla Ciebie nowy, zachęcam Ciebie do szybkiego działania! Tylko pierwszych 30 osób dostanie prezent!
Czytaj transkrypcję poniżej!
Vlog: Spotkanie Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej i wiza dla Polaków
W sobotę byłem na spotkaniu Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej. Nauczyłem się strasznie dużo na tym spotkaniu, mam o wiele więcej do powiedzenia na ten temat ale filmik już był dość długi, więc to będzie innym razem.
Ale pewnie najbardziej ciekawe dla Was: jesteśmy najbliżej w historii do zniesienia wizy dla Polaków!
Oto jest mój pierwszy filmik na temat Kongresu.
Czytaj transkrypcję poniżej!
How to listen effectively

A couple weeks ago, I wrote an article about the importance of listening.
Thanks, everyone for the really excellent comments on that post! You helped me realize that I forgot to discuss a very critical point: how to listen effectively.
Read more for some helpful advice!
Vlog: Poznaj Tommy'ego: inny Amerykanin mówiący po polsku
Dzisiaj pokażę kilka krókich filmików nagranych przez innego Amerykanina, który mówi po polsku. Jest moim znajomym, spotkałem go w Polsce kilka lat temu. Jeśli macie jakiekolwiek pytania dla niego, napiszcie w komentarzach!
Szkoła online Tommy'ego jest GoEnglishGo.com (na Facebooku) i oto jest mój artykuł o niej.
Proszę podajcie mi poprawki na serwisie Lang-8.
Czytaj transkrypcję poniżej!
Language learning guide?

I receive a lot of emails and comments asking me for advice on language learning. I respond to all of them, so when I notice that I've answered the same question a lot, I try to write an article about it on my blog.
That way, when someone asks me that question again, I can point them to a well-polished article, instead of having to come up with a completely new explanation in the 5 minutes I have to respond to their email.
The article I wrote a couple weeks ago about the importance of listening is one example. However, I got some really great questions in the comments which helped me realize that I left out a very important piece: how to listen, when you don't yet speak the language very well.
Eventually, this will end up becoming a new article.
But wouldn't it be great if I could just have a page somewhere that includes all of my thoughts about listening? As new questions or ideas come up, I could continue to refine it.
This got me thinking that maybe I should be compiling a language learning guide, that covers my opinions about how to learn a language effectively, lots of tips, and the basics of my method.
Read more for my thoughts and let me know what you think!
Vlog: Skupianie się na tym, co jest dla mnie ważne
Rok 2011 był rokiem ciężkiej pracy nad interesującymi projektami i nie tylko własnymi. Niestety mój kierunek trochę odbiegł od moich pasji. Jak już napisałem, był żałosny rok jeśli chodzi o naukę j. polskiego.
Ale właśnie podjąłem ważną decyzję, która znaczy, że w nowym roku znowu będę się skupiał nad tym, co jest mi naprawdę ważne!
Proszę podaj mi poprawki w serwisie Lang-8 tutaj.
Jeśli nie masz pojęcia o tym, czym jest Bibliobird, polecam ten filmik. Jeśli jesteś ciekaw o H2OScore.com możesz oglądać jego kanał na YouTubie.
Proszę czytaj dalej dla transkrypcji!
8 reasons to use YouTube to learn a language

As most of you probably know, I've been using YouTube in my effort to learn Polish for over three years now.
YouTube is a massive service, with "hundreds of millions of users from around the world." According to their FAQ, "48 hours of video are uploaded every minute, resulting in nearly 8 years of content uploaded every day."
Using YouTube has led to many very positive things in my life and, in my opinion, has also significantly improved my language abilities.
I strongly encourage YOU to try using YouTube in your language learning!
Read more to find out why!
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