Review: Polygloto Polish
This is the fifth installment in a series of reviews of products for learning Polish.
Polygloto Polish is an online Polish language course created by, one of the largest online language learning portals for Poles.
Read more for the full review!
Vlog: Learning how to shoot (Broń w USA cz. 2)
(This is the second part to an earlier vlog in Polish: Broń w USA.)
Along with another couple my wife and I went to the shooting range to learn how to shoot pistols.
It isn't necessary to take a course in order to go out on the range and shoot for the first time, but we felt it was more responsible to learn how to use a gun safely.
Watch the video for clips from the course and on the shooting range!
Read more for a transcript (with Polish translations!)
Vlog: Broń w USA (cz. 1)
Dzisiaj mówię na temat broni w Stanach Zjednoczonych: zasady dotyczące jej kupowania i noszenia ze sobą w moim stanie, Wisconsin.
W sobotę opublikuję filmik, w którym z żoną i inną parą pojechaliśmy na strzelnicę, żeby uczyć się jak strzelać z pistoletu!
Proszę podaj mi poprawki do tego filmiku w serwisie Lang-8.
Czytaj transkrypcję poniżej!
English: Our borrowed language
This is a guest post written by Alice Cuninghame on behalf of St Georges International. For students keen to learn English, learn French or learn German London language school SGI provides a great mix of top-class teaching and facilities and a vibrant social programme.

English is often referred to as a ‘mongrel’ language. It borrows words from other languages shamelessly, sometimes keeping them as they are, sometimes adapting them to make truly English words.
English has its roots in the Germanic family of languages, which includes German, Dutch and most of the Scandinavian languages. Unlike those languages, it borrows heavily from others outside the ‘family’. For historical reasons, French and Latin have had a particularly strong influence on English over the years.
More surprising is that English borrows some words from distant Poland. Increasingly, Polish borrows from English too. That is less surprising, given the worldwide domination of the English language, and the large numbers of Polish migrants heading to the UK in recent years.
Read more for some examples of Polish words in English!
American Stereotypes: Americans are fat
This is the second installment in a new series of articles called "American Stereotypes," which explores stereotypes about Americans. Today's topic is: Americans are fat.
"Americans are fat" is a pretty common stereotype. Often, the view isn't that Americans are just slightly overweight, but rather that most Americans are downright morbidly obese! Just do a Google image search for fat American if you don't believe me. ;-)
As with many stereotypes, there is some truth behind it.
Read more to learn about this stereotype!
Learn Polish in Poland: Lengua Viva
I strongly believe that you don't need to live in a foreign country to learn its language. Personally, I learned Polish primarily in my home country.
You can even learn a lot about a foreign culture from your home country. You can read the literature, watch the films, and even speak with the natives.
However, to experience certain aspects of any culture, you simply have to visit the country!
This article is about Lengua Viva, a language school in Gdańsk, Poland which offers courses in Polish as a foreign language. Plus, they've offered a special price for readers of LinguaTrek!
(Full disclosure: I have never been to Lengua Viva, so I can't personally vouch for the quality of their courses. I agreed to promote their school in exchange for a special reduced price for LinguaTrek readers. I don't personally receive any money or anything else from them.)
Read more for information about the courses!
Vlog: Trzy lata na YouTube, pięć lat z j. polskim!
Dokładnie trzy lata temu w dniu 27 września 2008 przesłałem mój pierwszy filmik po polsku do YouTube'a! I pięć lat temu w wrześniu 2006 zacząłem uczyć się j. polskiego.
W tym filmiku, trochę mówię o wpływie, który miały YouTube i j. polski na moje życie.
Proszę podaj mi poprawki do tego filmiku w serwisie Lang-8.
Czytaj transkrypcję poniżej!
How to learn words with multiple meanings

In all languages, there are words with several, seemingly unrelated meanings - and English is no exception.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word "get" has over 20 different meanings! It's even hard to count them all. :-)
So, what's the best way to learn words with multiple meanings?
Read more for my advice!
American Stereotypes: Americans are workaholics

This is the first installment in a new series of articles called "American Stereotypes," which explores stereotypes about Americans. Today's topic is: Americans are workaholics.
A workaholic is a person so obsessed with working and earning money that they often forget to enjoy life. Are Americans workaholics?
More often than we'd like to admit, there's some truth to many stereotypes. In this case, there are even statistics to back it up! But I think the reality of the situation often falls somewhere between the stereotype and the true human experience.
Read more to find out about this common stereotype!
Is spelling easier for non-native speakers?
I receive lots of comments on the videos of me speaking Polish like:
"You speak pretty good Polish. But can you spell? It's really hard, even for native Poles!"
The first time I saw this, I was really surprised! The Polish alphabet is very straightforward and I have no problems spelling in Polish. In fact, I spell much better in Polish than I do in English!
Personally, I've always thought English spelling was really hard. But I've had non-native speakers tell me that spelling in English is much easier than in their native language.
So, I've started to wonder: is spelling simply easier for non-native speakers?
Read more for my whole theory!
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