Czy MUSZĘ mówić od pierwszego dnia?
Temat ten jest szeroko dyskutowany i wiele osób wśród społeczności uczących się angielskiego, nie zgadza się z nim. Jednym z największych zwolenników natychmiastowego mówienia jest Benny Lewis, autor bloga Fluent in 3 Months i twórca kursu video Speak From Day 1.
W FAQ do tego produktu, Benny pisze: (dodałem kilka wyróżnień)
Zamiast zapoznać się z przewodnikiem i oglądać wszystkie filmiki, aby dowiedzieć się jaki jest mój WIELKI 'sekret', mogę powiedzieć już teraz: musisz zacząć mówić w języku jak najszybciej.
Żadne uczenie się gramatyki latami, żadne drogie i skomplikowane oprogramowanie, żadna "magiczna pigułka" nie pomoże Ci opanować języka podczas snu, musisz po prostu używać go w mowie. Używaj go regularnie, używaj go śmiało i używaj go od razu. Im więcej mówisz, tym szybciej zrobisz postępy.
Jestem WIELKIM fanem Benny'ego. Nie dawno dał mi wspaniałą szansę na napisanie gościnnego artykułu na jego blogu.
Jeżeli chodzi o ten konkretny punkt, nie zgadzam się z nim. Myślę, że nie MUSISZ zacząć mówić od pierwszego dnia.
Czytaj dalej, aby dowiedzieć się więcej dlaczego!
Language learning guide?

I receive a lot of emails and comments asking me for advice on language learning. I respond to all of them, so when I notice that I've answered the same question a lot, I try to write an article about it on my blog.
That way, when someone asks me that question again, I can point them to a well-polished article, instead of having to come up with a completely new explanation in the 5 minutes I have to respond to their email.
The article I wrote a couple weeks ago about the importance of listening is one example. However, I got some really great questions in the comments which helped me realize that I left out a very important piece: how to listen, when you don't yet speak the language very well.
Eventually, this will end up becoming a new article.
But wouldn't it be great if I could just have a page somewhere that includes all of my thoughts about listening? As new questions or ideas come up, I could continue to refine it.
This got me thinking that maybe I should be compiling a language learning guide, that covers my opinions about how to learn a language effectively, lots of tips, and the basics of my method.
Read more for my thoughts and let me know what you think!
How long does it take to learn a foreign language?
I receive a lot of emails asking for advice on how to learn a language fast.
But how fast is fast? Two years? One year? 90 days? There are even products that claim they allow you to learn a language in just 30 days.
So, how long does it really take to learn a language?
Read more for my opinion!
Immersion tips: How to meet natives

We've all heard stories about someone going to a foreign country for a year and coming back able to speak the language "fluently." (I don't like that word, read this article to find out why.)
But immersion in a foreign country doesn't mean you'll automatically learn the language!
I've heard many more complaints from people living abroad who, despite being surrounded by the language everyday, don't seem to learn it. One problem is that they end up speaking their native language most of the time, rather than meeting new people and engaging them in real conversation in the language they are learning.
So, how can you meet new people in a foreign country and get the most out of your immersion experience? Read more for tips!