Vlog: Boże Narodzenia w Stanach
Dzisiaj mówię na temat Bożego Narodzenia w Stanach Zjednoczonych i trochę pokażuję, jak moja rodzina obchodzi to święto. Też mamy "tajemnica", z którą potrzebujemy pomocy od Polaków! Proszę obejrzyj filmik i napisz komentarze, żeby nam pomóc!
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Christmas without presents?

For Christians, Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus. However, according to a recent poll, 95% of Americans celebrate Christmas, including 80% of non-Christians. But for both believers and the rest of us, Christmas in the USA is about spending time with family and friends.
Yeah, family and friends, but also -- PRESENTS! Glorious presents!
When I was a kid, I couldn't wait until Christmas. I dreamt of all the great things I hoped I was going to get. It was a magical day, when dreams came true!
How can you have Christmas without presents?
But a number of years ago, my family stopped exchanging gifts at Christmas.