What are you thankful for? Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Thanksgiving is an American holiday when we get together with friends or family and remember all the things we have to be thankful for.
Personally, I'm most thankful for:
- My wife, Carrie
- My health
- The wonderful readers of my blog and their patience when I don't publish an article for a while :-)
Sorry I haven't published anything in over a month! In October, I was traveling for work almost every week and I'm still trying to catch up on everything.
However, I'd like to share a couple Thanksgiving related things with you that you may not have seen!
- Three years ago, I recorded a video about Thanksgiving in Polish and wrote an article in English. If you haven't been following my blog for 3 years, well, then it's new to you! ;-)
- Here is a great video where you can learn some Thanksgiving vocabulary in English and find out a little about the history of the holiday (there are subtitles).
I hope you have a great day and thank you!
What are you thankful for? Write a comment below!
Vlog: Dzień Dziękczynienia, święta w USA w ogóle i para innych rzeczy
Dzisiaj Amerykanin mówiący po polsku rozmawia na temat Dnia Dziękczynienia, który właśnie odbył w czwartek. Też mówi w ogóle o tym, jak się różnią sposoby do obchodzenia świąt między Amerykanów. I na końcu, jest para innych rzeczy nie na temat, ale mam nadzieję, jeszcze ciekawa! Zapraszam do oglądania!
Czytaj transkrypcję poniżej!
Turkey Day isn't the same for everyone!
Today is Thanksgiving!

Traditionally, that means families gather together to eat a gigantic home-cooked dinner consisting of: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Everyone eats until they can't eat anymore. Then they play and watch American football. Is there a more American holiday? ;-)
That is what every single American family will be doing tonight. Well, in the movies at least!
Like all things American (and holidays in particular), they are very individual. Celebrations vary from family to family and year to year.