How to get started learning Polish (from zero!)

When you're first starting a new language, everything is unfamiliar. There is sooo much that you don't know, it's hard to know where to get started.
The truth is: there's a million ways to get started... and most of them will probably work. However, some may go smoother than others. :-)
Today I'm going to give you my personal recommendation - based on my experience learning Polish!
Of course, I've already written lots of articles about learning Polish that would be useful.
Unfortunately, as a blog, these articles aren't organized in any particular way. When someone asks me for advice on getting started, I have usually have to send them at least a half dozen links. :-)
Today I'm going to organize this information into a short, step-by-step guide!
Read more for 5 simple steps to getting started with Polish!
1. Get your feet wet
At the very, very beginning, I recommend just getting a feel for the language.
Most language textbooks begin with the alphabet and some crazy explanation of what the letters sound like. For example: 'c' in Polish sounds like 'ts' in the word 'cats'. And so on for every letter.
However, it's going to be very difficult to imitate Polish pronunciation if you've barely had a chance to even hear it spoken.
Every language has it's own rhythm. A textbook can tell you that "stress in Polish almost always lands on the penultimate syllable of every word." But that stress pattern actually sounds like something!
Humans are designed to imitate rhythmic patterns. Before you can imitate, however, you need to spend some time hearing it.
I recommend spending a week or two just listening to Polish language in the background.
Here is an internet radio station that plays songs in Polish. There are several channels: click on any of the red buttons which read "Włącz to radio". The first one labeled "Tylko Polskie Przeboje" is Polish hits.
And here is a talk radio station - click on "Posłuchaj" (direct link).
You won't understand anything - but that's OK! That's not the goal of this first step.
2. DO NOT start with the grammar
Most Polish courses and textbooks go straight from the alphabet to grammar.
I've written an entire article about why this is a bad idea. :-)
However, knowing a little about what to expect from Polish grammar can be useful. This will help you to know what to look out for in the future.
Here is a Polish grammar overview for complete beginners.
3. Learn some simple phrases and vocabulary
There are lots of materials and products for learning some simple phrases and vocabulary in Polish!
I've written a few reviews of Polish learning products. The one I personally like best at this stage is Pimsleur Quick & Simple Polish. Click here to read my review!
You'll learn how to introduce yourself and order something at a restaurant. It isn't anything revolutionary but I like it because it's easy (which is important at the beginning) and it's audio only.
But there's lots of stuff out there! The main goal at this stage is to have fun, start learning something and not stress out too much. :-)
I recommend spending 2-4 weeks learning some simple words and phrases.
4. Start learning the alphabet
In my opinion, the best time to start learning the alphabet is after you already know some words and phrases.
Before you know any words, the alphabet is going to seem very abstract and it'll be difficult to understand or remember. However, at this point it will be practical and make more sense to you.
Luckily, the Polish is alphabet is actually quite easy! Even so, I recommend learning it gradually. Don't attempt to master it before moving on. That's why this step is "start learning" and not "learn". ;-)
Click here to read my full article about learning the alphabet.
5. Find some Polish content you love!
Here is where the real learning begins. :-)
I learned Polish primarily by reading and listening to the Harry Potter books in Polish.
You don't have to read Harry Potter. You could also watch TV shows, listen to music, talk with people or play video games.
In my FREE ebook, I write in detail about how to find the best content for you and how to use it to learn. If you subscribe to my blog, you'll receive an e-mail with information about how to download it.
However, my personal recommendation for someone who is just starting out with Polish, is Real Polish. (click here to read my review)
Piotr from RealPolish regularly creates free videos and podcasts for learners of all levels. He also has some paid products. I haven't tried them all, but the one I did was very good!
Anyway, no matter what content you choose, I recommend using the techniques from my ebook to learn from it.
After a few months, you'll no longer be "getting started" - you'll be well on your way to mastering Polish!
What next?
This is when it can be useful to take a look at the grammar rules from time to time. I wrote an article about the first grammar you should learn in Polish.
And, of course, all of my more advanced advice starts to apply to you! For example, how to get over your fear of speaking and how to practice speaking over the internet.
Are you just getting started with Polish? What are you struggling with? Or, if you're more advanced, what DID you struggle with in the beginning? Write a comment below!
'it's hard to know where to started'
Tak jest w mailu. Where to start or where to get started, moim zdaniem:)
Cześć Sylwia!
Dzięki za poprawkę. :-) To po prostu literówka w mailu - za szybko to napisałem. Niestety już nie mogę poprawić maila. :-/
Pozdrawiam serdecznie,
Hey David,
Quick question about Polish content in Step 5. What do you think of subtitles while watching movies? Are they helpful or a hindrance?
David Isenhower
Hi David!
This is a personal preference thing. I don't really like subtitles for language learning, because I can't focus on two things at once. I'm really either reading or listening, but never both.
Other people don't have this problem! There are lots of people who swear by the simultaneous nature of subtitles - but they're just not for me.
I'd say give it a try both ways: (1) film and subtitles and (2) film and transcript - and see which one works best for you!
This has nothing to do with the topic, but...I have found in one of earliest entries "don't do any" and so on. How it is really with "doesn't do", "don't do" being grammatically incorrect? Sometimes I don't get it...
Hi Piotr!
I'm not sure that I understand the question... All of the examples you gave are grammatically correct! Can you give a full sentance that's giving you trouble?
Also, this would be a great thing to ask about on the Bibliobird forum:
There's lots of people there who know grammar English well (including me!).
I think the most difficult part when learning Polish is the conjugation of the verb and the declension of the noun.
I mean not only the spelling or the grammar,but also the understanding of hearing.
For those who speak English,I think it is normal for us to recognize a word by it's ''sole''sound, which is, a vocabulary matches only ''one''sound/pronunciation.But in those languages which we need declensions or conjugations, the vocabulary become unfamiliar to us(or only to me?)because both the spelling or the sound/pronunciation change.It is not easy to catch because one infinitive verb or the nominative case of noun may turn into several forms and when others speak, you tend to miss it since the unfamiliarity exists.
I don't know whether non-English speakers have this kind of problem.
:-/ (for example Spanish or Italian speakers,maybe they have some skills already since their language inflect just as part of Polish does.)
Greetings from Tajwan,
Hi Krzysztof!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Yeah, this can be difficult. Particularly with some words which change more than just the ending. Here are some random examples:
However, with enough exposure to enough words, it becomes easier and easier. The thing is, these changes are all systematic. There really is only a handful of possible ways that a word can change! In the beginning, it seems infinite because every new change is a complete surprise. But once you've seen them all, you can actually guess pretty accurately what the base form is, even for words you've never met before.
So, I think you're right when you say it's about acquiring the skills to recognize these things. If you've never had to do it in your native language (or other 2nd language you know), it may take you a little longer to even get used to the idea that words can change that much. :-) But with time it becomes second nature!
Thanks again for sharing!
Best regards,
Hi David,
Wonderful post. It's so helpful to have a process to begin with when learning Polish. I am interested in picking up the Assimal Polish for English speakers but cannot find it anywhere. The Assimal sight seems to only have English for Polish speakers as does Amazon. Any suggestions whee I might find it? Your blog is very motivating and is packed with helpful advice.
Hi Michael,
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. :-)
I've heard a lot of good things about the Assimil courses in general, but I've never personally encountered a Polish for English speakers course. I just did a little Googling and only found a Polish for French speakers and a joke on a forum:
Note the "C4: For beginners and false beginners" in the lower left corner of the image. :-)
But if you do track down the real course, please post a link here! I'm sure it'd be useful to other learners.
Best regards,
Hi David,
Hmmm, I`m from Poland so for me polish is easy and I never had a problem with this language. Sometimes I have only problem with spelling, but it's no surprised, Polish has a lot of different words.
I hope you`re polish getting better and better. :)But I think this article is good :) Well done for you :)
Hi Ada!
Thanks! It's always interesting to hear what Poles think of my articles about learning Polish. :-)