Language learning is more like karate than math

In school, languages are taught kind of like mathematics, but with letters and words instead of numbers. But learning a language is not like learning math!
Language learning uses entirely different brain functions and requires completely different processes to learn.
In fact, learning a language has more in common with learning karate than studying mathematics!
Read more to find out why!
Calculus is a great example of a conscious skill.
A lot of background information is required to understand what you are doing and why. A complex set of steps must be performed to compute a derivative, for example. You must understand each step, then remember and execute each properly. It is a logical task that is performed consciously.
But when we speak or understand a language, we aren't doing any conscious mental mathematics. It is an unconscious skill. We hear a sound and immediately perceive meaning. We think a thought and immediately produce a sentence to express it.
More like karate!
For a number of years (mostly in high school), I practiced karate. I never got terribly good at it, but it was fun and good exercise.
Learning a language is a lot like training in karate.
You watch the instructor's movements. You can understand what they are doing on a logical level. First, the foot moves like that, then the hand comes out like that, etc.
But when you try to do it, your movements are sloppy and imprecise. Even if you memorize every detail of what the instructor does or pass a written test on it, you wouldn't be able to do it correctly. No amount of conscious knowledge will allow you to perform just like the instructor.
In the same way, no amount of conscious knowledge about grammar will allow you to speak a language!
However, as you train over a longer period of time, you are able to mimic the instructor more and more precisely. It's not because you understand the movements better (although, you probably do!), but rather, it's because your brain is naturally designed to learn physical movements by doing them. It is an unconscious process that happens automatically!
The human brain is also naturally designed to learn languages! By simply communicating in the language in some way, your brain will slowly (and automatically!) develop an ability in that language.
This communication could be speaking, reading, writing or listening. It doesn't matter! But it's best if the content is something you enjoy and it must be something you can understand.
Like training in any sport, you need to do it regularly -- practicing 20 minutes a day is better than 3 hours once a week.
Once you've practiced karate for a while, you can simply decide to perform a particular technique and your body will comply -- completely unconsciously! Just like speaking or understanding a language.
Of course, learning a language isn't exactly like training in karate. :-)
While some conscious knowledge about the language can be helpful - just don't expect it to allow you to use a language proficiently! This conscious knowledge should be a minor part of your study, not the main attraction.
Your main activity should be communicating (either actively or passively) in the language, thereby regularly training the language learning part of your brain.
[...] Last week, I wrote about how learning a language is more like athletic training than learning a traditional school subject, like mathematics. [...]
[...] I've written previously that language learning is a lot like athletic training. You could say the same two things about exercise and getting in shape: exercising 20 minutes a day is better than working out 4 hours every Saturday and you need to stick with your exercise routine to see results! [...]
[...] Conscious study of grammar won't help you become proficient in a language, because language learning is an unconscious skill. [...]
[...] Conscious study of grammar won’t help you become proficient in a language, because language learning is an unconscious skill. [...]
[...] if you do go with this course, I'd recommend supplementing it with interesting content in Polish, whether that's books, podcasts, films, videos games or whatever you [...]
[...] się mówi w danym języku. Albo, że koniecznie trzeba nauczyć się na pamięć skomplikowanych zasad gramatycznych. Albo, że niektóre języki są o wiele trudniejsze od innych. Albo, że jesteś zbyt stary, żeby [...]
[...] Scientific basis / We are designed to learn languages (i.e. my karate metaphor) [...]
[...] problem is that truly speaking and understanding a language isn't a conscious activity! (I've written extensively about this in the [...]
[...] Or that you have to live in the country where the language is spoken. Or that memorizing confusing grammar rules is essential. Or that some languages are drastically harder than others. Or that you're too old to learn a [...]
[...] polecam przyswojenie ich naturalnie przez czytanie i słuchanie - tylko patrząc na zasady gramatyczne od czasu do czasu. (Opisuję to [...]
[...] even if you aren't studying the grammar consciously, you still need to learn it step-by-step, starting with the simplest [...]
[...] nawet jeśli nie uczysz się gramatyki świadomie, nadal musisz tego się nauczyć krok po kroku, zaczynając od najprostszych [...]