Things I Love About Poland #02: Kiosks!

This is the second in a series of articles called "Things I Love About Poland," where I discuss differences between Poland and the USA. In this article, I talk about Polish kiosks!
It's 4.30pm and you finished work a short while ago. You're walking home from the bus (or tram) stop. Do you need any vegetables or bread for dinner? Maybe you just remembered that you've run out of soap or shampoo? Or how about a movie to watch? Need more minutes for your cell phone? How about cigarettes? Recipes? Headache medicine? ANYTHING?
Just stop at any one of the dozen kiosks you pass along the way!

Besides kiosks you probably also walked by a lot of small specialized shops, including the bakery, butcher, "fishmonger" (sorry for the British English, but do we have an American word for this?) and grocery store. In my walk home from the tram stop I passed at least two of each and probably four small grocery stores. We're talking about a five minute walk.
In the USA, we mainly have big supermarkets. And most people do not live within walking distance of one. So, you have to drive there, deal with crowds and long lines. Big stores means lots of time searching for what you want. Americans tend to plan their shopping in big trips where they buy a lot at once.
When we were living in Poland, we bought individual things when we needed them. You're always walking to and from the bus or tram stop. You can just pop into a small store or even buy things right on the street -- from a kiosk!
[...] in the country, you have basically unlimited resources. Want a newspaper in the language? Just walk to a kiosk and a buy one! Want a book? Go to the library, they're free! People to practice speaking with? [...]
Sprawdziłem w moim słowniku i mam taki tekst i wklejam ten tekst wg.słownika Are the shops within walking distance? Czy do sklepów można dojść na piechotę?
The house is within walking distance (w pobliżu) of the shops.
Mam pytanie within walking distance - czy te słowa znaczą po polsku "odległość do przejścia" czy "w pobliżu" czy coś innego .... bo nie wiem ....?
Kiedy coś jest "within walking distance" to znaczy, że możesz spokojnie tam dojść piechotą. Kiedy coś nie jest "within walking distance" to znaczy, że musisz tam dojechać autobusem/samochodem/itd. Oczywiście, to zależy od osoby! Np dla mnie coś jest "within walking distance" ale dla mojej matki, nie.
Mam nadzieję, że to pomoże! Zaakualizuję tłumaczenie w BiblioBirdzie kiedy mam wolną chwilę. :-)
Artykuł fajny ale zdjęcia straszne i jakby nie z tej epoki. Wiem że nadal są takie odstraszające kioski ale coraz częściej spotyka się takie jak w tym linku Może by tak zmienić zdjęcia w tekście? Chyba że to są Twoje autorskie fotki to rozumiem.
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