"Matter Of Time" - An original song by David Snopek

I wrote "Matter Of Time" in the summer of 2004. At the time I was depressed and drinking very heavily. I was also very lonely. I hadn't had a girlfriend for over a year ("10,000 lonely nights" is an exaggeration, 400 would be more accurate) -- which isn't surprising because I was drunk all the time. I did a lot of things that I regret. The song is about frustration about my life and who I had become.
But it's a hopeful song! I promise myself that I won't always be this way. Which is, of course, how it turned out. ;-) I don't have any of those problems anymore.
Read more to listen to the song and read the lyrics.
Video (with song)
The painting behind me was done by my sister, Allison Snopek.
Verse I
And someone will sing along
the scent of it all.
Verse II
from room to room to room, yeah.
and realize all this.
be free.
[...] tym filmik mówię na temat historii piosenki, którą grałem w zeszłym filmiku. Też wspominam stare czasy kiedy byłem bardziej zaangażowany muzyką. ;-) Obiecam, że za [...]